
DARE – How these young creatives found the courage to look in a new direction.

Silvia Tonelli documents the journey of a group of young Italians through the Senegalese music industry to build a cultural bridge with Italy.


Reflecting on Italy’s relationship with race through the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Risorgimento.

Zoe Map, the host and creator of the UNLEARN series, wonders if Italians embrace diversity and accept others. She asks this question to encourage the unlearning of stereotypes.


Global Italian Studies

At the intersection of Italian diaspora and world culture


An interactive e-learning space that creates fun, engaging, informative experiences!
This learning hub is designed to stimulate your imagination, improve critical thinking and connection to others. A rich array of resources, including reading materials, social media content, audio and video, personal testimonies, interactive games, and downloadable materials! Ideal for Global Studies, Italian Studies, and learners of Italian.

(Coming Soon)

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